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March 2025 Release Notes

New Scheduling feature are here! Check them out today: 

March 21st, 2025



Enhancements were made to scheduling features and calendar sync.

Fixes were implemented for filing events and analytics page elements.



Scheduling - Meeting Type Questions

  • The Meeting Type questions field was limited to allowing only 120 characters preventing users from saving updates to existing questions with more characters.

    An update was made to expand this field to accept 512 characters and the question editor element now expands vertically to show all the text in the field making it easier to edit.

User Dashboard - Calendar Sync Analytics

  • When a calendar event with a description larger than 32000 characters is synced, it can result in the analytics page failing to load.

    An update was made that will truncate the event description to 31999 characters to avoid problems with character limitations in Salesforce and CI reporting.

Scheduling - SMS Reminders

  • The SMS reminder message only included a reschedule link, requiring the booker to find the confirmation email and use the cancel link from there.

    Based on customer feedback we have implemented a cancellation link in the booking confirmation message so bookers have both reschedule and cancel  options the message. 


File Events - Google Calendar

  • When filing an event during event creation, the event would be duplicated in Salesforce.

    A fix was implemented to prevent duplicate events from being created.

User and Admin Dashboard - Analytics Pages

  • In some cases the label of the doughnut chart can be hidden under the bar chart.

    A fix was implemented to ensure the doughnut label is not obscured. 

March 14th, 2025



A couple fixes have been released for Smart Scheduler and filing events.

Several enhancements have been released including a new help and support modal in the dashboard and improvements to in dashboard messaging. 



Dashboards - Brand new help screen

  • To provide users and admins a better support and resource access experience, we made updates to the help and support icons in the new left navigation of dashboard pages.

    We have removed the Support icon and recycled the Knowledge Base icon to be the new Help & Getting Started icon that opens a new modal with resources on accessing our knowledge base, accessing support, booking meetings with our teams, and sharing the latest big feature releases. Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 11.28.12 AM

Admin Dashboard - Update Service Accounts banner

  • When admins log into the dashboard of an org that doesn’t have service accounts connected, a banner would appear on every visit creating a poor user experience.

    The banner behavior has been updated so it only shows once per admin. Once dismissed, it will not return. The Service Accounts page has been updated so that when no service accounts are connected it shows the admin a message informing them about the purpose of service accounts. Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 11.29.09 AM

Calendar Views Dashboard - No Email Connection behavior

  • Originally when a user visited the Calendar Views page and did not have an email connection, they’d be shown a banner that takes them to their profile page without any context into what they need to do next.

    The banner behavior has been updated so it now opens the Manage Connections blade when the user clicks the “Click here to connect your email.” text. Once the user connects their email account, the page will update and the user can start creating calendar views. 

Admin Dashboard Error Log page - Update UI

  • When an error is displayed in the dashboard, the linked text takes the user to a separate page. We made updates to improve the user experience of this flow.

    Now when a user clicks on the linked text in an error banner, we will open the error page in a sheet instead of taking the user away from the current page they are viewing. 


Smart Scheduler - Zoom Email Alerts

  • When rescheduling a meeting booked through Smart Scheduler, the host would receive a cancellation email and a reschedule email creating confusion.

    A fix was implemented to ensure a cancellation email isn’t sent to the host upon rescheduling.

Sidebar - File Event (Outlook)

  • When filing an event invite in Outlook that has not been sent, the sidebar would show a blank screen after the user clicks File Event.

    A fix was implemented to ensure the unsent event invite is successfully filed to Salesforce. 


March 7th, 2025


Minor bug fix deployed for Smart Scheduler custom attributes.

On March 4th We launched Smart Scheduler Lead Source, One Click Booking and Expire After Booking features. These features are available for everyone.

Go here to read about these new features.



Smart Scheduler - Custom Attributes

  • When editing a long list of custom attributes, the page could sometimes go blank or shift the navigation.

    A fix has been implemented to ensure the page does not break when editing long lists of attributes. 
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