September 2024 Release Notes

September 27th, 2024


This week we have released several fixes for Smart Scheduler, Sidebar and Sync. 

We also released a couple enhancements for Calendar Sync for Outlook and Thread Based Sync [Beta] dashboard. 


Calendar Sync - Outlook Users
  • When syncing an event from Salesforce to Outlook, the attendees would be listed as optional.

    An enhancement was made so these attendees are shown as regular attendees instead of optional.
Thread Based Sync [Beta] - Improved Confirmation Modals
  • To improve the UX of the feature, several quality of life improvements have been made to the configuration page in the dashboard.

    Improvements were made to confirmation messages when saving and disabling features, abandoned settings handling, and presenting new UI elements on various setting selections.  


Smart Scheduler - Rescheduling link

  • If an attendee reschedule an event using the Reschedule link, then used that same Reschedule link again, a new event would get created.

    A fix was implemented so when the attendee tries to reuse an old Reschedule link, we will present a message letting them know the event doesn’t exist.

Smart Scheduler - Rescheduling meeting details

  • When rescheduling a meeting booked through Smart Scheduler, the details originally entered into the event during booking would not be remembered requiring the booker to re-enter all their details.

    A fix was implemented to ensure that the details provided by the booker are automatically applied when rescheduling a meeting booked through Smart Scheduler.

Sidebar - Signing in on Google Calendar

  • If a user tries to log into the sidebar through the Google Calendar, the process would not complete successfully and leave the user at the sign in screen.

    A fix was implemented to ensure that users can sign into the sidebar in Google Calendar.

Sidebar - Gmail Performance

  • On occasion the Gmail sidebar would hesitate to respond to users selecting and composing emails requiring the user to refresh Gmail.

    A fix was implemented so the Gmail sidebar responds faster and consistently to match expected behavior.

Email Sync / Filed Emails - Message Date Incorrect

  • On rare occasions when filing or syncing an email to Salesforce, the email would show a Message Date of December 31, 1969 instead of the correct date.

    A fix was implemented so the correct date is used when filing and syncing emails to Salesforce. 

September 13th, 2024


This week’s release contains an enhancement to orgs who rely on Admin Managed / Service Account Salesforce sync. 

We've also released more functional improvements to our SMS Meeting Reminders beta. 


Improved sign in / sign up from main website
  • When users would sign in with Google or Microsoft from they would be first directed to another login page requiring their email address before proceeding. Updates have been made to the sign in flow from our website so that clicking Sign up with Google / Sign up with Microsoft buttons will take the user directly to the expected sign in page for their respective email provider.
Email / Calendar / Task Sync - Sync job failure notification
  • When a user’s sync fails to complete, we were not sending adequate notifications to help the user resolve the problem.

    Updates have been made to our automated alerting systems so users with failing syncs will receive an email if a sync job hasn’t completed in the past 24 hours. The email contains more information on how to troubleshoot and resolve the problem. 
Smart Scheduler - Freemium Call to action
  • The call to action in the free version of Smart Scheduler was taking users to a broken link.

    The link has been updated to direct the user to our scheduling plan details where they can learn more about the features of Smart Scheduler.
Sidebar - Master Field auto select when creating objects
  • When creating an object, the sidebar was not automatically selecting the master detail field that the record is being created under, requiring the user to select the master record during creation.

    Fixes have been made to ensure we’re automatically filling in the master detail field during object creation so the user no longer has to search for and select the correct master record. 
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