User and Admin dashboards have received updates to existing settings and new settings.
Smart Scheduler confirmation pages now have buttons for Reschedule and Cancel.
Several fixes have been released for dashboards, login experience, Custom Views, Email Blast and the Sidebar.
User Dashboard - Setting Tooltip update
- The tooltip for the user setting called “Only Sync to Organizer” was not clearly describing the setting’s function and role resulting in possible confusion and accidental misuse of the setting.
The tooltip for the user setting called “Only Sync to Organizer” has been updated to more accurately describe what it does. This setting can be found here.

Admin Dashboard - Sidebar Settings
- We received feedback from customers that they would like the email subject to be prefilled into the Subject field when creating an Event or Task from the sidebar. A new admin dashboard setting called “Prefill activity subject as text” was created to enable this ability of the sidebar.
It can be found at the bottom of the Email page under Salesforce Integration.
This setting is ON by default.
Smart Scheduler - Reschedule option added to confirmation page
- When booking a meeting through Smart Scheduler, bookers were not given any option to reschedule the meeting in the confirmation page. They would need to find the reschedule link in the confirmation email if they wished to change the meeting.
To provide a better user experience we have updated the confirmation page to include buttons for Reschedule and Cancel.

Admin Dashboard - User Impersonation
- When an admin impersonates a user, then logs out of that impersonation session, the admin is taken to their user dashboard instead of the Manage Users page where they initiated the impersonation from.
A fix was implemented so the admin returns to the Manage Users page when impersonating a user.
Dashboard - Login
- A token issue was preventing some users from successfully resetting their Cirrus Insight password.
A fix was implemented so users can reset their passwords without encountering any system error.
Scheduling - Custom Views
- It was discovered that the Custom View buffer setting was being overridden by the buffer settings of the calendar being shared, which would prevent users from being able to share the availability time frame they intend to provide.
A fix was implemented so the Custom View buffer setting is used when generating a Custom View link.

Email Blast - Bounced Email Detection (Outlook)
- A bug was discovered with Outlook clients that prevented Email Blast from successfully detecting a bounced email.
A fix was implemented resulting in Outlook clients being able to detect bounced blast emails.
Sidebar - File Event
- When the "Add User Attendees to Events" setting is enabled the "Assign to" field is displayed twice when filing an event.
A fix was implemented that resolves this duplicate field.
December 13th, 2024
Meeting AI [open beta]: The calendar UI now shows internal events. These are not automatically researched. They can be manually researched when clicked on.
Fixes and enhancements were released for the sidebar, Reply Tracking and One Click Booking.
- When the sidebar’s People tab displays multiple copies of the same person, they would show up the same number of times in the Email Address field of One Click Booking.
We updated the feature so it now automatically hides duplicate Email Address values.
Reply Tracking - Email connection breaking
- A bug was discovered related to Reply Tracking that would result in a user’s email connection being disconnected.
A fix was implemented to ensure the user’s email account connection is not interrupted.
Sidebar - Creating / Editing Events
- When creating or editing an event, if the start date was changed, we would not move the end date, even if the start date is after the end date.
We implemented a fix so the end date keeps the same time frame when the start date is moved.
December 6th, 2024
SMS Meeting Reminders:
The Phone Number field has been renamed to Mobile Number.
Fixes were released for the sidebar, scheduling email time zone, and email sync.
Scheduling - SMS Meeting Reminders
- The field where visitors can enter their mobile phone number was called “Phone Number” resulting in some people entering their desk phone instead of their mobile number.
The field has been renamed to “Mobile Number” so it’s more clear to visitors what they are expected to provide.
Sidebar - Create Contact
- Some users were experiencing an issue where the contact’s details weren’t being prepopulated into the sidebar fields requiring the user to manually enter the information.
A fix was implemented to restore the functionality of automatically populating contact detail fields.
Sidebar - Back Button
- The Back button at the bottom of the sidebar was missing for most object view pages resulting in a clunky user experience.
The Back button has been restored so users can easily go back to the previous screen while viewing any object.
Scheduling - Confirmation Email Time Format
- After a recent update the date format in meeting confirmation emails was showing in a 24 hour format instead of the intended 12 hour format.
A fix was implemented to restore the 12 hour format in the meeting confirmation emails.
Email Sync - Sent Emails
- In some situations sent emails were not being synced to Salesforce, especially in cases where users were sending emails to themselves.
A fix was implemented so sent emails are successfully synced.