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Archive | How do I Know My Users are Using ZynBit?

Tracking ZynBit usage is a great way to monitor adoption and identify training needs among users.  It also assists decision makers in determining your personal return on investment for your subscription.  The metrics tracked in this article are items related to the use of Sidebar, which is part of the Starter package and is also known as the email sidebar.  This feature became available in

To use the feature, three custom fields must be created in the Salesforce object where tracking is desired.  Adding these fields to the activities record will allow tracking of event creation and email filing by ZynBit.  The fields may be applied to Contacts, Accounts, Opportunites, Cases, or custom objects you need to track.  Make sure the fields are editable by all ZynBit users, but they do not need to appear on the page layout.

These should have the names and data types indicated below:

Field Name: Created by ZynBit
API Name: Created_by_ZynBit__c
Data Type: Date

Field Name: Modified by ZynBit
API Name: Modified_by_ZynBit__c
Data Type: Date

Field Name: Modified Count by ZynBit
API Name: Modified_Count_by_ZynBit__c
Data Type: Number (18,0)

NOTE: These values are case sensitive.

The most common objects where this data is tracked are the Account, Contact and Opportunity objects.  The custom fields should be created in each object where tracking is desired.  Once the fields are implemented, you can use standard Salesforce reporting to see the effects of ZynBit usage on your data entry.



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