This release introduces Team Scheduling, a new feature that takes the friction out of agreeing on a group meeting time and scheduling the event.
Other recent updates include new Admin Dashboard settings and enhancements to Sync, Scheduling, and Work Tab.
With Team Scheduling, users can create a calendar that shows shared availability with one or more colleagues.
The Scheduling feature is all about reducing friction and booking more meetings. Now, with Team Scheduling, external clients can easily choose a group meeting time with one of your internal teams.
To learn more, see How do I set up and use Team Scheduling? .
New Admin Dashboard settings
“User Downloads in Dashboard” (under Sidebar General settings)
If disabled, the Downloads section will be removed from the User Dashboard home page, preventing users from downloading the Sidebar from there.
“Allow users to file draft emails” (under Sidebar Salesforce integration settings)
If disabled, the Quick File button will be hidden in the Sidebar when users are composing an email. This prevents filing emails until the email has been sent.
"Blocked Email Addresses” (under both Calendar Sync & Email Sync Filters settings)
Adding specific email addresses here ensures that any events/emails with blocked email addresses will not be synced. Users cannot adjust this setting.
The behavior and UI are the same as the existing Blocked Domains setting, but this new setting allows Admins to block specific email addresses (not just domains).
Logic details:
Skip any emails from syncing to the contact/lead record that's tied to the blocked email address.
If there are multiple recipients, block only the blocked email address and sync all other contact emails.
Email addresses input into ‘Blocked Emails’ will override the Allowed Domains (if there's a domain conflict).
For Sidebar "action icons," Admins can now set a default/priority action (in addition to reorder or hide).
The most prioritized action (which can differ per object) will initiate automatically when a user selects an object card in the Sidebar.
For example, prioritizing "Edit Object" in the top left would automatically launch edit mode after the user clicks on the object card for a particular record.