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Archive | ZynBox 2018 - How Do I Save an Email in Salesforce when Composing it using OWA plugin?

Filing an email in Salesforce which is being composed is slightly different that filing an email which has been received.

  1. To file an email in Salesforce while you are composing, open the Outlook compose window and type the To: Address.
  2. Complete the email as appropriate.
  3. You can then click open the ZynBit icon and choose the location where the email should be filed.  As usual, you can file to the contact, account, or other records, and you can use the Quickfile lightning bolt icon or the "A" file email action.
  4. The side bar will show an orange icon which says "Track with ZynBit".  This sends the email with email tracking enabled.  If email tracking is not desired, you do not need to use this button.

When Track with ZynBit is clicked, the message changes to say "Enabling ZynBit email tracking" meaning that tracking will be enabled.

Regardless of the tracking option selected above, the email can be filed to the contact, company or any other object using the Quickfile lightning bolt icon or the A -Action File Email option.  Note that the email files immediately when the icon is clicked so it is best to complete edits before filing the email.

Once the email is filed, the checkbox will be visible on the envelope icon, and a green confirmation will briefly flash stating that the email has been filed.



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