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Smart Scheduler Custom Attributes & Forms

Table of Contents

An overview and requirements for Smart Scheduler can be found in this Knowledge Base article.

What are Custom Attributes?

A fully customizable property you can define to use with the Smart Scheduler to get the perfect User match with customers. Custom Attributes are specific to your business and include a category you can define and a corresponding list of options.

Two Places to create custom attributes:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Dashboard: Manage Users  or 
  2. Navigate to the User Dashboard

How to Create Custom Attributes?

Note: Any user with Can Manage Smart Schedules can create and edit attributes and attribute assignment. 

  1. Click Smart Scheduler from the Calendar Scheduling options to access the Smart Scheduler Home page. 
    • You will notice two key tabs: the 'Users' tab and the 'Custom Attributes' tab.
  2. Click 'Custom Attributes' tab to view the list of Attribute categories for your org.
  3. Click the 'Create Attribute' button. 
  4. Choose to begin with a blank slate by choosing 'Custom,' or select from one of our ready-made, editable, templates.
  5. Click the 'Attribute Category' label to Edit the name & expose the attribute options list.
  6. Click the numbered 'Option' label to Edit your first option
  7. Select 'Add Option' to set up the next option in the list
  8. Click 'Done' to save the attribute category and options of the category.




Multiple Sections Toggle:

This toggle controls whether Users can be assigned more than one option for a given attribute category.

How do I Assign Customer Attributes to Users?

  1. Click on a user in the table to assign attributes
    • Upon selecting a user, a detailed panel will slide out, revealing two significant tabs: 'Details' and 'User Attributes'.
  2. Select the 'User Attributes' tab
    • This allows visibility to the list of custom attribute categories added by your organization
    • This is your opportunity to assign or adjust the attributes options for any particular user. 
      • NOTE: Not every attribute category may be necessary for the User and can be left blank.
  3. Click into any attribute category to select from the list of options
  4. Select the attribute option that applies to the User
  5. When all attributes have been assigned, Click Save to finalize.
    • NOTE: Attribute categories with Multiple Selection can allow for more than one option to be assigned to users.  Example:  Language.  
  6. Completing this step for Users assigned to a Smart Scheduler workflow sets the stage for adding a form to any Smart Schedule


Edit multiple users at once if they share the same attributes for greater efficiently, using the Bulk Edit Option

  1. Select multiple users by clicking the checkbox for each user to edit in the table.
  2. Click the 'Bulk Edit' option to apply the same attributes to everyone selected.



Now that you've assigned custom attributes to your users, let's leverage those attributes by adding a form to a Smart Schedule.

Add an Input Form to a Smart Schedule Using Custom Attributes

Input Forms Overview:  In the customer scheduling experience, forms leverage the custom attributes assigned to Users as a filter to ensure that the times available for customers to schedule will only be user availability that match perfectly to meet their needs.  

NOTE: Input Forms can be added or removed from any existing Smart Schedule

New Schedule:

  1. Begin by clicking the 'New Schedule' button once more.
  2. Choose the 'Match Maker' option and proceed by clicking 'Continue'.
    • Image 2024-02-29 at 2.30.50 PM
  3. Click the plus icon in the configuration screen to add your first input field
  4. Double click the 'Question' label to add your own custom question
  5. Select an attribute to relate to the question
    • The options related to the attribute will be visible to customers when filling out the form
  6. Select the ‘Required’ toggle to require the customer to complete any field before booking a time
  7. Click 'Done' to Save the Input field.

Adding a Form to an Existing Schedule: 

  1. Click the plus button below the starting point
    • Cirrus Insight - Google Chrome 2024-02-29 at 2.13.02 PM
  2. Follow the same steps as above to construct your form

After setting up one question, add additional fields to the form you wish to include, following the same process.


Type Field: Choose Single or Multi Select

  • Single: Only one option can be selected by the customer when filling out the input form
  • Multi Select: More than one option can be selected by the customer

Placeholder field:

  • Choose to leave this field blank or add text to encourage customers to make a selection from the input form dropdown

Default Option field:

  • Choose to select an attribute option from the list that will be pre-selected for the User.
  • Selecting a default option will remove placeholder text from the customer experience.

Customize Options toggle:

  • Control the visible options to the customer when filling out the form
  • Adjust the order of the visible options to the customer.

Customize the Submit Button

  • It's also possible to customize the call to action button—changing it from 'Submit' to 'Continue,' or ‘Schedule Now’ for example.

Before publishing, you have the opportunity to preview your form-based Smart Schedule exactly as the customer would experience, ensuring everything is as desired.

Once satisfied, click 'Publish'. Your form-based Smart Schedule is now ready to be shared, either through a direct link or by embedding it on your website.



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