As a Cirrus Insight Admin, you can reorder or hide the fields that display for an object in the Sidebar.
This lets you customize the Sidebar field layout (just for Cirrus Insight) without the need to change the Salesforce page layout.
Sidebar field layout changes made by the Admin will be reflected for all Cirrus Insight users in the org.
Optionally, you can allow users to reorder fields to create their own personal layouts (step 2).
1. Navigate to Search & Visibility settings.
2. Enable Modify Sidebar field layouts and Save.
➡ Optional
3. Navigate to your inbox's Sidebar and decide which object needs a custom Sidebar layout.
See “Configuring multiple layouts per object” section below if needed.
4. From the Sidebar, open a record of the chosen object and edit it (pencil icon).
5. While in edit mode, click the gear icon.
6. From the layout editor, drag-and-drop fields to reorder and click to toggle visibility.
Select Save Layout.
If you change your mind, you can select Clear Changes before saving or Set to Default Layout after saving.
Optional: If your object has multiple Salesforce page layouts,
7. Assign the page layout (that you want to customize in Cirrus Insight) to your own profile in Salesforce.
8. Refresh Cirrus Insight (from the Sidebar menu) to reflect that Salesforce change in the Sidebar.
9. Repeat steps 4-6 above as needed for each page layout before reassigning your original page layout at the end of the process.