Meeting AI

Make Every Meeting
More Meaningful

Meeting AI automates prospect and customer research to ensure you are prepared and can spend time having high-value interactions that drive closed deals.

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Maximize the Impact of Every Customer Meeting

Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, Meeting AI supplies users with comprehensive insights on companies and contacts ahead of scheduled meetings. Enhance preparedness, build meaningful connections, and drive better outcomes.


Designed for Teams of Any Kind

Boost Sales Velocity & Win Rates with Precise Meetings 

Meeting AI eliminates hours of research and suggests the most relevant customer data to help you drive action and revenue in every meeting.

Deliver a World Class Customer Experience

Raise the bar for customer experience through AI. Ensure every rep is prepped to deliver value with personalization. 

Replicate & Scale Top Performers with Ease

Automate and scale the meeting prep methods of top reps, enabling the entire sales team to drive more sales.

Impress Clients by Showing Up Prepared Every Time

Engage in more productive and impactful client meetings by automating meeting prep and research to ensure a high level of preparedness.  

Revolutionize Sales Prep & Enhance Client Meetings


of B2B decision-makers perceive sales representatives as unprepared.


of reps say time constraints prevent them from conducting pre-call research.


of business professionals plan to implement AI solutions in their pre-meeting research in the next 12 months.

Convert Meetings to Revenue with AI-Automated Prep

Accelerate sales and close more deals by running efficient meetings. Get the intelligence needed through automated meeting prep, ensuring it gets done without sacrificing your valuable time.


Be the Most Prepared Person in the (Zoom) Room

Save hours on pre-meeting research and preparation by leveraging the power of AI. No need to worry about a lack of prep time anymore. 


Automate Meeting Prep to Ensure Calls Start on Track

Meeting AI ensures limited prep time will never compromise your client experience. By streamlining pre-meeting research, you can eliminate unnecessary and off-putting discovery questions.  

Kadesha Miller
“Cirrus Insight continues to increase the efficiencies of our salespeople, provide good insights with the Salesforce integration & a clean meeting scheduling tool.”
Kadesha Miller, Global Sales Operations Coordinator

Intelligently Match Buyers with Staff in Real-Time

Start Your Free Trial and Be Free from CRM Work

Deliver on Growth

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Be a High Performing Organization

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