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Cirrus Insight helps Wenger save 40 hours per day every day.

  • Location: Owatonna, MN
  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Products In Use: Sidebar, Sync, Buyer Signals
  • Cirrus Insight Evangelist: Scott Blahosky, Director of IT

About Wenger Corporation

Wenger offers products that can save you time, enhance your rehearsals and contribute to the success of every performance. While we started in the music practice room, today you’ll find Wenger products in performance halls, theatres, gymnasiums, and outdoors. Wenger products can be found just about anywhere music and theatre is practiced and performed. And more recently, in the locker rooms and equipment storage facilities of high school, college and professional sports teams. It’s hard to find a musician, teacher, actor, coach or athlete today – at any level – whose passion to teach and perform hasn’t been touched by a Wenger product.

Life Without Cirrus Insight

Wenger’s customer relationships and projects often span years and thus large volumes of email and documents are transmitted, stored and frequently reproduced to the customer. Wenger has a goal to create a 1-click environment where user’s interaction between email, Salesforce, SharePoint and project drawing content are reduced to one simple click to automatically file data.

Wenger spends hours a day across the sales organization searching content, “because we currently operate in a multi-layer folder structure searching content is challenging, stated Wenger’s Director of IT, Scott Blahosky.” User interaction with email and related content was causing data inconsistencies, driving Wenger to a solution to automatically file data, therefore eliminating the user intervention in the middle.

The Cirrus Insight Life

Editing Salesforce records in the Outlook view makes editing and creating records efficient versus the alternative of having users go through the timely steps to edit records in Salesforce. This keeps the sales team working within the email application that they are accustomed to working in day in and day out - CRM FROM YOUR INBOX.

“We feel confident that most of these employees will save 30 minutes a day. Additionally, other teams across the organization will benefit from the ability to search SharePoint and quickly find content due to the systematic way of filing data.”
Scott Blahosky, Wenger

It is fairly common place for Salesforce users to have many custom objects setup to meet the unique needs of their organization. “Cirrus Insight respects the different pages and elements of data and requirements we have in our specific Salesforce environment and that plays into the Cirrus Insight interface. The beauty of that is not having to code Cirrus Insight a second time to uphold what your salesforce requirements are. That was a feature that was not common among other email solutions in the market.” - Scott Blahosky.

“Prior to using Salesforce, we were accustomed to saving and storing emails to particular projects for retrieval later on. It was an expectation for a new solution. There are a variety of email solutions out there, the unique ability that Cirrus Insight brought to the table was the ability to store our information both in Salesforce and SharePoint. Cirrus Insight provides a systematic way of filing data, eliminating the user intervention that can cause inconsistencies,” Blahosky added. With Cirrus Insight Wenger was able to provide a doorway for their users to integrate customer interactions with the specific business applications in use at Wenger making those interactions easily retrievable in a central location for all users across the organization to access.

Blahosky states that, “Wenger has close to 80 professionals working in various capacities across multiple offices around the world. “We feel confident that most of these employees will save 30 minutes a day. Additionally, other teams across the organization will benefit from the ability to search SharePoint and quickly find content due to the systematic way of filing data.”

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