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10 Things To Help Ease The Work From Home Transition During COVID-19

This is truly a new and different situation we find ourselves in. Social distancing in order to flatten the curve has us all feeling disconnected from our normal schedules, friends, co-workers, and family. 

I think we owe it to ourselves to make extra efforts to ease the transition that everyone has to work remotely in order to lessen the spread of the Coronavirus. 

For some this transition is easy, for others, it's a complete disruption. So what are some things that everyone can do to ease the transition and continue to feel connected?

1. Technology, Technology, Technology

For many parents now working from home while homeschooling and entertaining small children, we are concerned about too much screen time. There are some great ways to use technology that will have a positive impact on everyone. 

  1. Video Chats and Conferences- It's good for everyone!! Video conference your co-workers, video your friends, have video playdates for your children- it keeps everyone feeling connected. 
  2. Online Learning Platforms are offering extended free trials and discounted subscriptions. Here are some recommended by school teachers: 
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2. Set-up a Productive Workspace

Pick a space in your home where you can be most productive. For some, that means they need a window and a room where they can shut the door. 

If you are used to a standing desk at the office, considered a small investment in something at home, like this one or this option, is good too.


3. Get Physical!

Many gyms and online fitness resources are live streaming workouts. Here are a few you can access for free-

  1. Planet Fitness
  2. P.volve
  3. CorePower Yoga
  4. The Yoga Collective
  5. Cosmic Kid Yoga - storytelling yoga for the whole family.

4. Get Outside Everyday

The days are longer and it's spring- get outside as long as you are keeping your distance. Maybe you have some more routine work tasks to complete that you do outside on your laptop!

5. Listen to and Play Music

Try making a Spotify playlist that has music that aligns to your workday schedule. Focus music in the morning and upbeat energy music in the afternoon to get your going!

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6. Keep a Routine

It’s easy to let the schedule go completely, but keeping the whole family on a routine will set the expectation that some things will stay the same.

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7. Support Your Favorite Local Restaurants

Pick up food to go from your favorite local restaurants to support them and to ease the stress of cooking and clean-up.

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8. Stay Connected

Have a virtual lunch with your co-workers. Here at ZynBit, we have a monthly potluck, which we had to cancel, but instead, we are looking at ways to allow employees to pick up food from their favorite local restaurant and we will all eat together via web conference.

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9. Have a Routine

Plan out your goals for each day! What are you going to accomplish today and what is going to take to get it done?Planner on table with highlighter.

10. Take Advantage of Your New Surroundings!

This one is the most important. This will be different for everyone, but look at the positives and use them to your advantage. Maybe this means you can now do laundry while you work or be able to take the dog for a walk mid-day or have a meal in the oven while you are working (without burning the house down!)

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Amy Green
Amy Green

Marketing Director at Cirrus Insight

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