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TurnYour Social Media Profile Into An Opportunity Engine

Hey I’m so glad your LinkedIn talks about your President Club wins! – said no prospect ever!

In Sales today, it’s all about the customer and the journey the buyer takes to buy your stuff and things.

Then why is your LinkedIn profile all about YOU YOU YOU?

Why is your Twitter full of kitten videos?

I’m not even going to TALK about your Facebook!

Social selling is no longer a new concept and for most successful organizations, there are defined strategies in place for how sales professionals should be using social media to promote their brand, industry, product, & services. A sales professional can start writing articles, sharing great content, and even sending awesome in mail messages, but if they fail to spend the time to really create a profile that speaks to the customer, none of the above will matter. Imagine getting an in mail and you are intrigued so you the next thing you are going to do is visit the person's profile, you get there an there is hardly any information about the product they represent or the role they play. It's a bad first impression.

Join Derek as he navigates the social media landscape and shows you how to take a resume on LinkedIn and a Twitter account with nine followers (thanks mom!) and turn them into engines that create opportunities to inform your prospects about the value you can provide them.

Amy Green
Amy Green

Marketing Director at Cirrus Insight

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