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15 Sales Books You Must Read (Ideas For Beginners & Pros)

The art of sales is not a cake walk. In fact, for some, it often feels like a sprint from one prospect to the next; a race against that monthly clock with zero icing-covered treats along the way.

Moreover, these feelings are as much translatable to those at the start of their sales career, as they are seasoned veterans. This isn’t to say that the perfecting of one’s sales technique over time doesn’t alleviate some of the stresses and uncertainty affiliated with inexperience — just that there is always something to be learned.

From closing techniques to digital automation, tried and true methods make room over time for new ways of thinking and application. Additionally, those new ideas and tools seem to fly at us at an ever-increasing rate.

How do you hone your sales skills in an effort to build a better network and close more deals? Take a page out of the book (literally) of these sales experts.

Here are 15 sales books to read for beginners and pros alike.

Best for Networking: How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age

Adapted from Dale Carnegie’s first book, How to Win Friends and Influence People (which you absolutely must read), this piece applies timeless prescriptions of influence to modern times. Give it a read for insights into thoughtful communication, establishing the foundations of a solid network, productivity, effective leadership, and more.

Find it on Amazon.

Notable Quote

“We all have an innate, unquenchable desire to know we are valued, to know we matter. Yet affirming this in each other is among the most challenging things to do in our day and age.”

Other Worthwhile Reads by the Author

Best for Techniques and Tools: Advanced Selling Strategies

From bestselling author and sales guru Brian Tracy, Advanced Selling Strategies explores what it takes to go from average to extraordinary. With the playing field leveled, this sales book details how outperforming the competition means harnessing “the selling edge” and pinpointing customer emotion as it relates to needs met by your product or service.

Find it on Amazon.

Noteworthy Quote

“The very best salespeople have an attitude of calmness, confidence, and positive self-expectation.” 

Other Worthwhile Reads by the Author

Best for the Science of Selling: To Sell is Human

Those in sales are not the only ones that sell. Daniel H. Pink does a deep dive into how the art of selling can be found and applied to every individual, across every aspect of our day-to-day lives.

Find it on Amazon.

Noteworthy Quote

“To sell well is to convince someone else to part with resources — not to deprive that person, but to leave them better off in the end.” 

Other Worthwhile Reads by the Author

Best for Customer Service: The Fred Factor

As Mark Sanborn uncovers, having passion for what you do directly impacts your ability to do it well. Using concrete examples, this sales book offers “how-tos” for breathing new life and creativity into the job to be done. 

Think of The Fred Factor as an essential primer for offering great customer service — relevant to anyone in your organization with a customer-facing position. 

Find it on Amazon.

Noteworthy Quote

“Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity. Just take an opportunity and make it as perfect as you can.”

Other Worthwhile Reads by the Author

Best for Negotiations: Never Split the Difference

Regardless of the stakes at hand, there are practical principles at play behind successful negotiations. Chris Voss details them in this sales book, with insights into building both emotional intelligence and intuition. 

Find it on Amazon.

Noteworthy Quote

“By repeating back what people say, you trigger this mirroring instinct and your counterpart will inevitably elaborate on what was just said and sustain the process of connecting.”

Best for Reaching Sales Goals: Secrets of Closing the Sale

No matter your experience level, industry, or goals, Zig Ziglar has the proven strategies worth putting into action. Inside this sales book, find specific examples, sales questions, persuasion techniques, and more for selling your ideas from start to finish.

Find it on Amazon.

Noteworthy Quote

“If you do not believe in your product or service enough to offer it to your own family and friends, then you should question the value of what you are selling.” 

Other Worthwhile Reads by the Author

Best for Entrepreneurs: The Ultimate Sales Machine

Bad habits are hard to break and impossible to overcome in the long term with trendy new programs and seminars alone. To truly improve upon your productivity in business development, Chet Holmes explains the value behind basic, repeatable concepts that can turn any operation into a systematic, disciplined machine.

Find it on Amazon.

Noteworthy Quote

“If you are a one-person army or a very small company and you, as the entrepreneur, are the main person responsible for growing the company, then you personally must spend at least 2.5 hours per day growing your company.”

Best for a Pep Talk: You Are a Badass at Making Money

While it may boast its own level of self-help cheese, this in-depth guide from Jen Sincero is the perfect pep talk for those with money on the mind. With personal experience to boot, this book throws BS aside for real talk on what it takes to overcome mental stumbling blocks and embrace the ultimate in financial success.

Find it on Amazon.

Noteworthy Quote

“We’ve been raised to believe that you have to work hard to make money, and certainly there are times when this is true, but the real secret is you have to take huge, uncomfy risks. You have to do stuff you’ve never done before, to make yourself visible, to acknowledge your own.” 

Another Worthwhile Read by the Author

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

Best for the Anti-Sales Seller: The Introvert’s Edge

Not everyone wants to sell, but at some point, everyone needs to sell. For introverts, the anxiety and doubt when it comes to this idea is all too real. But as Matthew Pollard explores, there’s a way to sell sincerely that can translate to even the quietest and shy by nature.

Find it on Amazon.

Reader Review

“This is a great guide for startups, blossoming entrepreneurs, and any professional who loves helping others, but has hesitation (or dread) of sales keeping those who need that help away.”

Karsten Speckmann (Goodreads)

Best for Building Leads: Fanatical Prospecting

With no one to sell to, there’s no deal to be made. Jeb Blount walks readers through the root cause behind an empty pipeline with a practical, step-by-step guide full of prospecting techniques and tricks from some of the best in the field.

Find it on Amazon.

Noteworthy Quote

“The enduring mantra of the fanatical prospector is: One more call.”

Other Worthwhile Reads by the Author

Final Thoughts: Best Sales Books to Read for Beginners and Pros Alike

The potential for success in sales is directly correlated with a drive to never stop learning and improving.

What sales books have been most beneficial and impactful on your own career? Tweet your best picks at @cirrusinsight!

Maddy Osman
Maddy Osman

5+ years of content writing for companies such as Cirrus Insight, Automattic, HubSpot, Sprout Social, Bluehost, Wix, and more. My background in WordPress web design contributes to a well-rounded understanding of SEO and how to connect brands to relevant search prospects.

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