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Master Class Part 4: How to Build a Lead Magnet

how-to-build-a-lead-magnetI’ll tell you a fun trick about lead magnets: If you did all the research I suggested earlier on in this master class, it’s very easy to make a great one.

Now, this section is a little tricky. Because to generate the lead magnet, we have to first identify the steps your customer needs to take in order to reach their desired state. So, those steps are going to vary depending on who your customer is.

Once you have identified those steps, they should be broken down into smaller, achievable steps. This is where your lead magnet comes in. Your lead magnet represents a guide to help your customer achieve one of those smaller steps. Here's an example of a Lead Magnet to help get the ball rolling.

Remember: A lead magnet is what you create in exchange for someone’s email address. And email is the most powerful way to connect with anyone, everywhere on this planet. So naturally, people guard their emails.

That’s why your lead magnet has to be something that is actionable, immediately useful, and helps get your customer closer to achieving one of the steps they will ultimately need to take to reach their desired state.

What is the Job of a Lead Magnet?

Your job with any lead magnet you create is to empower and uplift your customer and make them feel like the change they’re looking for is possible. Regardless of what that change is. (We all want change. When you buy a product like Cirrus Insight, you’re buying your time back and letting our platform do the tedious data entry work for you. That time can then be used to invest in upskilling yourself. So you’re not just buying a product whenever you buy a product, you’re buying something that you hope will help you get to your desired state. Whatever that may be.

Now, let me give you a few key points to remember before I show you how to make a Lead Magnet like this one.

First, you have to capture and gain the interest, and eventually, the trust, of your prospect. The best way to do that is through solid copywriting and taking a strong position about something. 

So if you are a company that wants to help other companies recruit and retain members of Generation Z, and you do this through teaching your clients how to craft webinars everyone would want to watch, you can take the (slam dunk, in our opinion) position that most Webinars suck.webinars-stink“Webinars suck” will absolutely get any business professional's attention. Heck, I’ll even go out on a limb and say that Webinars Suck is one of those rare statements that would get most people’s attention because we’ve all been subjected to one bad webinar or another through the pandemic.

(Again, not all webinars, of course.)

So, take a strong position, and get people’s attention using some of the exercises I’ve already shown you, like The Onion Headline Writing method.

Second, I want you to know that every lead magnet follows a very specific and successful framework: They start with a hook (Webinars Suck!), then they tell a story about whatever useful information is inside of them. Then, they tell you the information, and then they tell you the same information, but this time in the form of actual customer testimonials.

So, follow the format.

Finally, and this just builds on that last point, you want to always turn your customers into celebrities. Feature them in whatever way they can. A lead magnet is a great place to do that because it provides a third-party testimonial about yourself, and people always listen to what OTHERs have to say about you, and not always what you say about yourself.

Oh. Right. One more thing …

Make sure that the actionable information you provide in your lead magnet will lead to a quick win for the person reading it. If they see some kind of immediate benefit from the information you just provided them? Then they’re now one step closer to knowing, liking, and trusting you. 

Know, like, and trust leads to a customer spending more time with you, and the more time they spend the more likely they are to buy from you. And these customers are great because once they’ve purchased one thing from you, they’ll likely do so again.

Make Your First Lead Magnet Right Now, Using Canva

Remember how I was talking about quick wins? Let’s do that right now. I’m going to show you how to quickly build a really nice-looking lead magnet using Canva.

Step 1: Get a Canva account. It’s free.

Step 2:  Search for proposals and pick one that you speaks to you.canva-proposalStep 3: Fill it out and adjust anything you like. We will include a link in the description below to a super helpful crash course on editing and using Canva to make lead magnets. Now just follow along.

Step 4: Now, using your very appealing-looking lead magnet, use the framework we discussed earlier. Lead with your hook, tell them the story of how you came to acquire this information you’re about to share, and then share that information. When you’re done, share that information AGAIN, but this time use your customers to do it for you. Then close with your offer. 

You can have a solid lead magnet done in an hour if you’ve already done the rest of what we’ve discussed in this master class.canva-master-classIf you don’t know where to start. I suggest providing a listicle that has an odd number in the title. 11 Ways You Can Immediately Improve Your Webinars is an example of the title I would use for this lead magnet. Feel free to steal that and then list eleven tips you can provide your prospect with that will help them, right now, reach that first step on their journey.

Start with your hook, tell your story on how you acquired this knowledge you’re about to share, then list the 11 things they can do, right now, that will immediately help them, share with them customer testimonials if you have them from others who have done these 11 things you suggested. Then close with your offer.

Speaking of the close, next week is our final installment of this Master Class! We hope you've enjoyed it so far and taken advantage of the tools and tactics discussed. We'll see you next week.

BJ Mendelson
BJ Mendelson

BJ is a Content Strategist with Cirrus Insight.

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