Sales Intelligence & Automation Blog

5 Best Group Calendar Scheduling Apps in 2024 | Cirrus Insight

Written by Ryan O'Connor | May 31, 2024 3:17:56 PM

Quick math.

If it takes an average of eight emails to schedule a single one-on-one meeting with a client, how many would it take to find the best time for an entire team to meet with the same client?

You guessed it. Too many. Good thing group calendar scheduling tools exist to cut that down to one email.

Sure, your plain old digital calendar already makes meeting scheduling easy but group calendars? They help you spend more time preparing for productive discussions instead of playing email tag with Carol, Sam, Heidi, Usman — and your client in a different time zone — to find mutual availability.

Looking for the perfect group calendar app for your team? We highlight six of the best ones in this article. And because knowing how to use them is as important as having them, we’ll also show you how to make the best out of them for team-wide productivity.

Dig in.

Why Use Group Calendar Scheduling Apps?

Negotiating meeting times with more than one person is an uphill battle. With one-click visibility into everyone's schedules, group calendar scheduling apps make it easy to plan meetings with many internal employees and external participants like prospects or customers.

A few more reasons you should use a shared calendar app. But if you’re already convinced and looking to find the best calendar scheduling app, feel free to skip the review section.

Self-Service Scheduling

Letting guests book meetings with you on their own reduces the manual admin burden you’d deal with otherwise, leaving you and your team more time to prepare for the meeting.

Integration With Your Favorite Apps

From CRM to video conferencing tools and even other calendars, a shared calendar app fits snugly into your existing workflows. This means you don't have to bloat your tech stack in a bid to streamline scheduling.

Availability Sharing

Choose what times to show you’re free without revealing the details of your other commitments. You get to maintain privacy while still being 100% transparent about your availability.

Booking Slots

Take availability sharing up a notch with booking slots. Group calendar apps let you create predefined time slots for others to book appointments with you.

Custom Controls

Block off focus time, set working hours or non-working days, limit the number of bookings per time, and create separate booking categories for different teams or projects.

Custom calendar controls eliminate scheduling conflicts and double bookings, especially with multiple calendars.

Meeting History and Trends

See who was in what meeting, how long it lasted, and more. Tracking group meeting trends with shared calendar apps highlights patterns you can use to make your meetings more effective and even improve your sales process.

5 Best Group Calendar Scheduling Apps

1. Cirrus Insight Team Scheduling

Free Trial: Yes

Plan Price: starting at $14/user/per month.

Cirrus Insight Integrations: Salesforce, Google Calendar, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Outlook.

Scheduling a meeting with a customer and some people in your team? With Cirrus Insight Team Scheduling, you can send the customer a link that displays open time slots for all team members regardless of location.

Some additional features of Cirrus Insight:

  1. Shareable Links: Generate links to share in your emails, websites or wherever you want.
  2. Booking Slots: Hand-pick what time slots to display in your emails for recipients to choose from.
  3. Custom View: Limit your availability to a specific start and close date range when sending personalized calendar links.
  4. Buffer Time: Prevent last-minute meetings with the Time Between Meetings and Booking Buffer settings.
  5. Team Customization: Choose to automatically accept or decline when someone on your team adds you to a shared Team Calendar, edit members of your Team Schedule or delete it completely.
  6. Lead Routing: Route website visitors to the appropriate person's calendar using custom rules like geography, product expertise or simply availability.
  7. Sales Activity Tracking/Reporting: Collect sales activity and turn it into actionable insights to increase sales.

See Cirrus Insight in action

2. Calendly

Free Team Plan: No

Base Paid Plan Price: $20/seat per month.

Calendly Integrations: Salesforce, Google Workspace, Slack, LinkedIn, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Outlook, Intercom, HubSpot.

Calendly brings teams into one virtual location without scheduling hassles.


Free Team Plan: No

Base Paid Plan Price: $15/seat per month. Integrations: Salesforce, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook. offers a calendar for group scheduling with customization features. integrates with your work and personal calendars to prevent scheduling conflicts and lets you organize your daily schedule by limiting how many times you’re available per event.

4. Doodle

Free Team Plan: No

Base Paid Plan Price: $19.95/seat per month.

Doodle Integrations: Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, Zapier, iCloud, Webex.

Doodle makes scheduling group meetings more interesting with its Poll feature, which lets you invite multiple people to vote on what the best time to hold a meeting is — instead of asking and waiting for decisions over a chain of emails.

With Doodle, you can also schedule events and export user responses from inbuilt Sign-up Sheets to an Excel sheet or PDF.

5. Motion Meeting Scheduler

Free Team Plan: No

Base Paid Plan Price: $20/user per month.

Motion Integrations: Zapier, Zoom, Google Meet, Outlook Calendar, Google Calendar.

Motion is an AI-powered project management tool that doubles as a group calendar scheduling app.

The built-in Meeting Scheduler feature allows teams to coordinate meetings by providing visibility into each member's availability. Group members can also set individual preferences for ideal meeting times and limit the number of meetings they are available for in a day.

How to Maximize Team Productivity with Group Calendar Scheduling Apps

Understand Your Team's Needs

Before selecting a group calendar scheduling app, take time to identify what scheduling needs your team has. This way, you know what features to look out for when choosing a shared calendar app.

Integrate With Existing Tools and Services

If you’ve ever bought the wrong-sized batteries, you know how important it is to make sure something fits before you bring it home.

Home here is your organization’s workflow. Even if they work right, new tools that don’t fit with the existing ones can slow down productivity, make it hard to scale your systems or cause data inconsistencies.

Look for group calendars that seamlessly integrate with your existing project management software, email and messaging tools, CRM or cloud storage services.

Leverage Key Features

It’s one thing to have a powerhouse of a shared calendar, and it's another to maximize its use. Let your team know what features are available to them.

Some calendar apps let you turn on DND on days you need deep focus, block off holidays and limit the number of meetings you take in a week. Others support custom aesthetics like color coding and branding.

Overall, using a calendar well means fewer missed meetings, double bookings or scheduling conflicts — and a great scheduling experience for all parties.

Organize Agendas and Meeting Notes

Agendas help you stay on topic and cut down meeting times by 80%. Many calendars for group scheduling allow you to set agendas, assign action items and even capture meeting notes so you know exactly what to follow up on after the event is over.

With these features, everyone comes prepared and leaves with clarity for the next session.

Choosing the Right Group Calendar Scheduling App for Your Team

Whether you’re empowering your qualified prospects to schedule directly with the appropriate salesperson or deeper in the sales cycle giving them a single link to schedule with members of multiple departments, everyone works faster and smarter when tedious admin tasks like choosing when to meet are out of the way.

And credit to tools like Cirrus Insight that make scheduling easy and meetings more productive.